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Training, Education, & Safety

Training and education are the key to being productive in the masonry industry. Having the skilled, productive and highly trained workforce enables signatory contractors to concentrate on the bottom line of business, their company. 

Located in the heart of Ritchie County, Harrisville is home to the BAC District Council of West Virginia Joint Apprenticeship Training Center.  Once selected into the apprenticeship training program, new apprentices are required to undergo 8 weeks of hands on pre-job training under the direction of the J.A.T.C Apprenticeship Coordinator.  After the successful completion of their pre-job training new apprentices begin hands on work experience with signatory contractors developing and perfecting their skills.  Upon completion of the 6000-hour hands on training and 144 hours of yearly classroom related training apprentices are upgraded to journeyman level craftworkers.  Apprentices that successfully complete the training program can look forward to a rewarding career in the masonry industry.

Bricklayers and craftworkers on all levels are provided education and training opportunities to advance their careers and continually upgrade their skill level.  Working with new materials and up to date building techniques, we along with the International Masonry Institute provide the craftworkers with the ability to expand their knowledge, skill, safety and understanding of the masonry industry.